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Welcome to my social media management & coaching blog!

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Guys, you're not going to believe it... Social media management and coaching is actually a job?!

I have been coaching and advising creative friends, partners, businesses and musicians how to navigate these over-complicated social media algorithms on platforms such as: Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube and Snapchat for such a long time whilst working in the film and media industry (which is such a boring job for me just being a driver).

Imposter Syndrome

Many of my success stories include a huge ego boost telling me I should really take this up full time and truthfully I didn't know it was even a job. Fast forward to when I completed my extended learning by completing Digital Marketing courses, I now have the experience and the qualified expertise to truly take your profile to the next level. I am no longer feeling the imposter syndrome because I am surrounded by people who use my services and advice whilst reaping the results, which you can too!

My Free Tools

I have decided to provide my free advice on my blog to help coach individuals who want to take control of their social media platforms and learn how to improve their following as well as their engagement all by themselves (I'm guessing if that is you, you're a control freak like me).

I have been experimenting with accounts on social media since 2020, to learn what works and what to avoid on social media. I have built websites, viral videos and I have now created new social media accounts to be able to provide more of my knowledge completely at your disposal to help guide you in the growth of your social media pages.

If that wasn't enough...

If you would like 1-2-1 coaching, group coaching or an expert to completely manage your social media pages for you, please get in touch, arrange a free consultation call and I will grab an understanding of your public figure profile / business, cater to your needs and become the answer to your social media branding, content strategy and ensure you create a fan base of loyalty.

Bag Yourself More Bookings!

Whether you want to know how to create viral videos, how to set-up your social media presence (or improve your current profiles and platforms), how to start email-marketing campaigns, how to create ads on social media correctly, how to figure out your target audience niche, how to establish trust with your growing following, finally get more bookings or how to improve your website... the list really doesn't end, but you are therefore in the right place.

Stay in the loop

Do you really want an outdated competitor to take your clients and leads? I didn't think so.

Comment any questions you may have. Sign up to my newsletter and follow my social media profiles to get the most out of my services. (links below)

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